
Dialectic Design is Erwin Hoogerwoord

I started Dialectic Design as a company in 2015 to assist researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology by developing data visualisations for their research & design projects. What I enjoy most is to collaborate with researchers, designers and engineers to develop new knowledge and technologies. In my work as a designer the driving thought for me is the often-used bicycle for the mind analogy. My passion is to design digital technologies so that they amplify our human capabilities as creatives, engineers, as scientists. Through a dialog or dialectic* with human-made computer technology we can extend our capacity to understand ourselves and our surroundings, and hopefully change it for the better.

I am always interested to talk about new ideas, research areas or problems both large and small. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, even if it’s just to grab coffee!


Based in Eindhoven & cyberspace

*which is why I chose the name: Dialectic Design.